Malaysia ÂíÀ´Î÷ÑÇ
High Commission of Malaysia 301 Jervois Road Singapore 249077 µç»°: 6235 0111 ´«Õæ: 6733 6135 µçÓÊ: mwspore@singnet.com.sg |
 Saudi Arabia ɳÌØ°¢À²®
Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia 40 Nassim Road Singapore 258449 µç»°: 6734 5878, 6734 5879, 6734 5876 ´«Õæ: 6738 5291, 6734 0624
 Mexico Ä«Î÷¸ç
Embassy of Mexico 152 Beach Road #06-07/08 The Gateway East Tower Singapore 189721 µç»°: 6298 2678 ´«Õæ: 6293 3484 µçÓÊ: embamexsing@embamexsing.org.sg
 South Africa ·ÇÖÞ
High Commission of the Republic of South Africa 331 North Bridge Road #15-01/06 Odeon Towers Singapore 188720 µç»°: 6339 3319 ´«Õæ: 6339 6658 µçÓÊ: singhc@foreign.gov.za |
 Myanmar Ãåµé
Embassy of the Union of Myanmar 15 St Martin's Drive Singapore 257996 µç»°: 6735 0209 (6 lines) ´«Õæ: 6735 6236 µçÓÊ: ambassador@mesingapore.org.sg
 Spain Î÷°àÑÀ
Embassy of the Kingdom of Spain 7 Temasek Boulevard #39-00 Suntec Tower One Singapore 038987 µç»°: 6725 9220 ´«Õæ: 6333 3025 µçÓÊ: embassy@embspain.org.sg |
 Netherlands ºÉÀ¼
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 541 Orchard Road #13-01 Liat Towers Singapore 238881 µç»°: 6737 1155 ´«Õæ: 6737 1940 µçÓÊ: nlgovsin@singnet.com.sg
 Sri Lanka ˹ÀïÀ¼¿¨
High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 51 Newton Road #13-07/12 Goldhill Plaza Singapore 308900 µç»°: 6254 4595, 6254 4596, 6254 4597 ´«Õæ: 6250 7201 µçÓÊ: slhcs@lanka.com.sg |
 New Zealand ŦÎ÷À¼
New Zealand High Commission 391A Orchard Road #15-06/10 Ngee Ann City, Tower A Singapore 238873 µç»°: 6235 9966 ´«Õæ: 6733 9924 µçÓÊ: enquiries@nz-high-com.org.sg |
 Sweden Èðµä
Embassy of Sweden 111 Somerset Road #05-01 Singapore Power Building Singapore 238164 µç»°: 6415 9720 ´«Õæ: 6415 9747 µçÓÊ: swedemb@singnet.com.sg |
 Nigeria ÄáÈÕÀûÑÇ
High Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 72 Anson Road #08-02 Anson House Singapore 079911 µç»°: 6732 1743 ´«Õæ: 6732 1742 µçÓÊ: highcommission@nigerahc.org.sg |
 Switzerland ÈðÊ¿
Embassy of Switzerland 1 Swiss Club Link Singapore 288162 µç»°: 6468 5788 ´«Õæ: 6466 8245 µçÓÊ: sin.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
 Norway ŲÍþ
Royal Norwegian Embassy 16 Raffles Quay #44-01 Hong Leong Building Singapore 048581 µç»°: 6220 7122 ´«Õæ: 6220 2191 µçÓÊ: emb.singapore@mfa.no |
 Thailand Ì©¹ú
Royal Thai Embassy 370 Orchard Road Singapore 238870 µç»°: 6737 2158, 6737 2644 ´«Õæ: 6732 0778 µçÓÊ: thaisgp@singnet.com.sg
 Pakistan °Í»ù˹̹
High Commission for the Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1 Scotts Road #24-02/04 Shaw Centre Singapore 228208 µç»°: 6737 6988 ´«Õæ: 6737 4096 µçÓÊ: parep@singnet.com.sg |

Turkey ÍÁ¶úÆä
Embassy of the Republic of Turkey 2 Shenton Way #10-03, SGX Centre 1 Singapore 068804 µç»°: 6533 3390, 6533 3391 ´«Õæ: 6533 3360 µçÓÊ: turksin@singnet.com.sg
 Panama °ÍÄÃÂí
Embassy of the Republic of Panama 16 Raffles Quay #41-06 Hong Leong Building Singapore 048581 µç»°: 6221 8677 ´«Õæ: 6224 0892 µçÓÊ: general@panamaemb.org.sg |
 Ukraine ÎÚ¿ËÀ¼
Embassy of Ukraine 50 Raffles Place #16-05 Singapore Land Tower Singapore 048623 µç»°: 6535 6550 ´«Õæ: 6535 2116 µçÓÊ: ukremb@singnet.com.sg |
 Peru Ãس
Embassy of the Republic of Peru 390 Orchard Road #12-03 "Palais Renaissance" Singapore 238871 µç»°: 6738 8595, 6738 8740 ´«Õæ: 6738 8601 µçÓÊ: embperu@pacific.net.sg
 United Arab Emirates °¢À²®ÁªºÏÇõ³¤¹ú
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates 600 North Bridge Road #09-01/05 Parkview Square Singapore 188778 µç»°: 6238 8206 ´«Õæ: 6238 0081 µçÓÊ: emarat@singnet.com.sg |
 Philippines ·ÆÂɱö
Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines 20 Nassim Road Singapore 258395 µç»°: 6737 3977 ´«Õæ: 6733 9544 µçÓÊ: php@pacific.net.sg |
 United Kingdom Ó¢¹ú
British High Commission 100 Tanglin Road Singapore 247919 µç»°: 6424 4200 ´«Õæ: 6424 4218
 Poland ²¨À¼
Embassy of the Republic of Poland 435 Orchard Road #17-02/03 Wisma Atria Singapore 238877 µç»°: 6734 0466 ´«Õæ: 6734 6129 µçÓÊ: polish_embassy@pacific.net.sg |
 United States of America ÃÀ¹ú
Embassy of the United States of America 27 Napier Road Singapore 258508 µç»°: 6476 9100 ´«Õæ: 6476 9340
 Romania ÂÞÂíÄáÑÇ
Embassy of Romania 48 Jalan Harom Setangkai Singapore 258827 µç»°: 6468 3424, 6468 5828 ´«Õæ: 6468 3425 µçÓÊ: comofrom@starhub.net.sg |
 Venezuela ίÄÚÈðÀ
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 3 Killiney Road #07-03 Winland House 1 Singapore 239519 µç»°: 6491 1172 ´«Õæ: 6235 3167 µçÓÊ: embassy@embavenez.org.sg |
 Russia ¶íÂÞ˹
Embassy of the Russian Federation 51 Nassim Road Singapore 258439 µç»°: 6235 1832 ´«Õæ: 6733 4780 µçÓÊ: mail@russia.org.sg |
 Vietnam Ô½ÄÏ
Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam 10 Leedon Park Singapore 267887 µç»°: 6462 5938 ´«Õæ: 6462 5936 µçÓÊ: vnemb@singnet.com.sg |